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Google: Put Unique Content Above The Fold

Google: Put Unique Content Above The Fold

Google: Put Unique Content Above The Fold. Google’s John Mueller advises site owners that a webpage should have at least some unique content in the above-the-fold area. How important is it for the above-the-fold content to be unique on each page? As it turns out, Google considers it fairly important that at least some content above the fold is unique to the page it’s on. This is recommended by Google’s John Mueller during the weekly SEO hangout recorded on June 4. “The important part for us is really that there is some amount of unique content in the above-the-fold area. So if you have a banner on top, and you have a generic hero image on top, that’s totally fine. But some of the above-the-fold content should be unique for that page. And that could be something like a heading that’s visible in a minimum case. But at least some of the above-the-fold content should be unique. So that’s kind of the guidance that we have in that regard.” However, it’s unrealistic for a site to have 100% unique content above the fold of every webpage. Plus, there’s always going to be content that’s repeated across multiple pages, such a navigation menu, or a banner, or other elements that typically appear at the top of a page. If your site’s design limits you to a small amount of custom content in the above-the-fold area, aim to include something that’s useful for ranking purposes. Including something that’s relevant to what the page should rank for may prove to be an effective strategy.

Local SEO Services that Help Local Businesses

Local SEO Services that Help Local Businesses

Local SEO Services that Help Local Businesses. Local SEO is not a guessing game it is a science and we specialise in the art and science of website optimisation. Effective long-term, natural SEO requires a professional to ensure everything is done correctly and consistently. Local SEO Services Remember your clients are searching for your service or product – not necessarily your company name. So it’s really important your website is found for these searches. Our experienced SEO team are up-to date on all the latest search engine optimisation strategies, algorithm changes, and requirements. We keep a close eye on both Google and Bing to ensure our clients are 100% compliant and continue to rank highly for the keywords and phrases they want to target. With more than 80% of clicks occurring within the first page of Google, with that being said if your site is not search engine optimised to rank high within organic search results of major search engines you are losing valuable site traffic. Hiring a SEO company with a proven track record that moves your site up the search engine ladder is a must. Our local SEO team are some of the best in the business, with a proven track record helping lots of happy local SEO clients. No matter where you are located or what territories you would like to target, our local search engine optimisation services will get your business ranking higher and producing the results it needs to be successful. As a Digital Marketing and SEO Agency, the majority of our work comes from referrals from happy clients who tell their friends about us. Our retention rate is high for our SEO services because we always deliver satisfactory results. Don’t hesitate and call Direct Submit today on 0845 272 2350 or fill out our consultation request form HERE for a free SEO consultation.

Looking for New Customers

Looking for New Customers

Looking for New Customers. When you sign up for SEO services with Direct Submit, our experts will use their knowledge and skills to transform your website into a sales portal. Also, by hiring our digital marketing agency for SEO services, you free up your time to run your business more effectively. Identifying New Business Opportunites Because search engines need some assistance in identifying the best content to deliver to their users, part of SEO is knowing how to make your content visible and readable to major search engines like Google. When Google can see your content, so will your customers. Therefore, the best SEO services include the following: > Keyword Researching > Keyword Analysis > Keyword Identification > Website Structuring > Effective Backlink Building and Crosslinking > Producing Well-Written Content All of these aspects work together to boost your rankings; effective SEO is not complete without each ingredient. The bottom line is that SEO is complex and can be confusing if you don’t have the proper knowledge to use it effectively. Unfortunately, unsuccessful attempts at SEO can be damaging to your site’s visibility and overall success. Remember your clients are searching for your service or product – not necessarily your company name. So it’s really important your website is found for these searches. As a Digital Marketing and SEO Agency, the majority of our work comes from referrals from happy clients who tell their friends about us. Our retention rate is high for our SEO services because we always deliver satisfactory results. Search Engine Optimisation, Built Around Your Business

How Does SEO Work?

How Does SEO Work?

How Does SEO Work? Google uses a very complex algorithm to evaluate the quality of your website. Depending on how well your website pages meet the answer to the search criteria/keyword being used in Google, will depend on how likely it is Google will show your website in its listing. As you can imagine, however, it gets a lot more complicated as there are many factors that Google uses to determine how well you meet these criteria, from domain type and age, backlink profiles, on-page optimisation, technical SEO, and much more. This is why you need an agency that knows exactly what they are doing Do I need SEO? That’s a good question! However, the real question you should ask yourself is, are my competitors using SEO and how can I get a listing higher than their website on Google. If this is your aim, then you have answered your own question. YES! SEO is here to stay and without it, your website will struggle to get traffic and leads. Ready to Get Started Remember your clients are searching for your service or product – not necessarily your company name. So, it’s really important your website is found for these searches. With a focus on building long-term relationships with our clients, we deliver services including SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media marketing, web design and e-commerce websites. Contact Direct Submit today on 0845 272 2350 and let’s get your website working harder for your business. Search Engine Optimisation, Built Around Your Business.

Search Engine Optimisation Important for Your Business

Search Engine Optimisation Important for Your Business

Why Is Search Engine Optimisation Important for Your Business? As a business functioning online, your online presence has a major impact on the growth and overall success of your business. New business opportunities, improving the company profile and much more. How do you achieve this? It all boils down to how easily your target audience is able to find your company in the search engines. That’s where Search Engine Optimisation or SEO comes in. Imagine your target audience performing a Google search for information relevant to your business. They do the search and find plenty of results for other brands to fit their needs. But because your company’s internet marketing content was not optimised in the best way to not only capture the attention of your audience, but also the search engine algorithm, your online content is now not seeing the best results it could. How to resolve this? Performing a simple SEO audit can tell business owners tons of valuable information. Such as, how visible their online content is to their audience, and how well it is performing. >>> Comprehensive Website SEO Audit >>> Actionable Recommendations for Your Business As a leading North East & UK SEO company, we recognise this gap and provide the most effective SEO solutions to companies in need. If your online content is not hitting your desired business goals, then it may be time to take a closer look at your current SEO techniques and partner with real SEO experts like Direct Submit SEO & Digital Marketing Agency. Direct Submit is a leading SEO & Digital Marketing Agency who have a reputation for delivering tangible results and excellent customer service. We help our clients get more customers from search. With offices in Durham and Newcastle, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality results that are based on proven techniques and intimate, dynamic knowledge of ethical search marketing practices. Remember, you’re just one phone call away from starting on the road to success. Call us today on 0845 272 2350 or visit our SEO Services website.

Why You Need Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Why You Need Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Why You Need Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). The short answer is that search engine optimisation is a highly profitable long-term marketing channel. If your business wants to remain competitive in 2021, then it needs an effective SEO strategy. The search engines may decide which sites rank highly but there’s an art and science behind how this works. Our search engine optimisation services combine both to maximise your website rankings, they’re based on tried and tested strategies that have been proven to work in the field. Once your website ranks highly in Google, you’ll enjoy a steady stream of visitors with little ongoing effort. Our strategic approach to SEO helps generate high-quality traffic that converts into quality leads or paying customers. So, you can be confident that our very affordable SEO services will produce profitable results for you. Still not convinced. Then here are five practical reasons to invest in search engine optimisation services; 1. Your Competitors Are Doing It When your competitors are investing in SEO and you’re not, their websites will move up in the rankings and yours will be pushed down until it’s invisible. 2. SEO Helps Users Find Your Website When potential customers search for products or services online, very few look beyond the first page of results, so it’s crucial that your website is there. 3. It’s Cost Effective Few online strategies offer the ROI you get with SEO. It sends well-targeted traffic to your website, increases sales, takes advantage of competitors’ ad campaigns, builds your brand, grows your authority, improves credibility, and much more. 4. More Users Are Turning to Search Engines 81% of consumers and 77% of B2B customers use search engines to research their purchases, so without SEO, your company will go unnoticed in those searches. 5. It Works Modern SEO done properly works. If done properly and consistently, it helps convince search engines that your website offers searchers the best solution for their requested keywords (putting you top of their search results). Time to Get Started? Direct Submit is an SEO marketing and digital agency based with offices in Newcastle and Durham. We specialise in ROI-focused digital marketing, bespoke web design & development and digital design. With offices in Durham and Newcastle, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality results that are based on proven techniques and an intimate, dynamic knowledge of ethical search marketing practices. Contact us today on 0845 272 2350 or use the online contact form provided. Remember, you’re just one phone call away from starting on the road to success.

Google Confirms December Algorithm Update

Google Confirms December Algorithm Update

Google Confirms December Algorithm Update. Google’s guidance regarding the update remains the same as it always has been. This is the third core algorithm update of the calendar year. A fair amount of time has passed since the last core update, compared to the average time between these types of updates. The last core update rolled out on what the internet refers to as “Star Wars Day,” also known as May 4th. It’s likely the pandemic delayed the rollout of Google’s next core update. As more time than usual has passed, could that mean the impact of today’s update will be more impactful? We won’t know the answer to that today, or even tomorrow, as the rollout process of a core update can take weeks. Expect Google to publish a tweet when the update officially starts rolling out later today, and another tweet some days later when the rollout is complete. Historically, many SEOs and site owners assume the worst when it comes to core updates. Though these updates are also opportunities for sites to be rewarded for their optimization efforts over the past several months. That’s especially true for sites negatively impacted by previous core updates. With a new core update, Google will reassess how content should rank following changes made to the site since the last update. Sites that have been diligently working toward improving their rankings may see a reversal of fortunes, so to speak. On the other hand, sites that have not made a concerted effort to optimise their content may see results reflective of that effort. One thing that’s certain is there will be a noticeable impact. Broad core updates are designed to produce widely noticeable effects across search results in all countries in all languages. Sites will inevitably notice drops or gains in search rankings when a core update rolls out. Changes in search rankings, either positive or negative, are indicative of content relevancy. If the content has become more relevant since the last core update then it’s likely to be moved higher up in rankings. The opposite is also true. Adding more depth to a piece of content is an effective way to send signals to Google about how relevant it is for particular queries. Content may also end up being seen as more relevant if there’s a general shift in search interest toward a particular topic. For example, content about business meetings may be seen as more relevant now if they’re geared toward remote working. Then there’s newly published content that didn’t exist at the time of the last update. New content all has to be reassessed against previously existing content. To be sure, rankings can move around quite a bit over the coming weeks.

SEO Tips for 2021

SEO Tips for 2021

Looking at SEO Tips for 2021. Optimising your website can seem like an impossible task, but if you break it down into parts, it’s simpler than you might think. Start by focusing on the following simple SEO tips that work for every website, and almost any business, to build a solid SEO structure that will have you high up in the search rankings. Create a Solid Structure Implementing cool, new SEO tips won’t make any difference if your website structure isn’t solid for search. Design your website in a way that makes it easy for search engine crawlers to index, which starts with creating a clearly established page hierarchy. Your website will need pages, categories, subcategories, headings, subheadings, and an interlinking strategy that glues the website structure together. This not only helps search engines to quickly understand what your website is about, and rank it accordingly, but it also helps your human clients find the information they’re looking for quickly and easily – which means fewer drop-offs and more conversions. Quality Content Counts Quality content is one of the keys to high ranking search results. Google is considering the quality of content more than ever before, so whether you’re an established business or a new business, it’s important to ensure that your content is truly unique, informative, interesting and well written. Quality content isn’t just about words, either. Videos and photos can also provide significant engagement, however, it’s important to make sure that they’re clearly labelled and that the meta descriptions match what the content is about, to avoid user or bot confusion. Lighten your Load Site speed is one of the top tips in SEO management, so one simple task you could take on would be to improve your website’s loading time. There are several ways to do this. However, one of the easiest ones is to delete any content that’s slowing down your loading. This could be large/old pictures, unused videos or discontinued products; or old website elements such as browser caches, unnecessary CSS or JavaScript. Mobile Optimisation is Key These days, desktop websites are practically passé. Website’s built for mobile have become a focal point for both web design and search engine indexing since mobile traffic began to outpace desktop browsing in 2016. That means if you’re out to improve your business’s ranking, you’ll need to go mobile. Hopefully, you’ve designed and built a mobile responsive website from the beginning, however, if you haven’t, now’s the time to start. Focus on good mobile design and UX, and loading, and you’ll see your search rankings quickly soar. Search engine optimisation ensures that a website is found when someone is looking for what you are promoting. With the right mix of content and key phrases the search engines will know how to categorise your website. While continuing a monthly online marketing plan customised by Direct Submit, improvements in ranking will steadily increase as time goes on. Direct Submit SEO Company, sends regular reports to each client showing their progress and highlighting any updates or relevant news. Ready to Get Started? Confused about where to start after reading these SEO tips? Hiring an SEO professional is a good place to start and this can make a significant difference in your search engine results. Direct Submit are a leading SEO & Digital Marketing Agency who have a reputation for delivering tangible results and excellent customer service. We help our clients get more customers from search. With offices in Durham and Newcastle, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality results that are based on proven techniques and an intimate, dynamic knowledge of ethical search marketing practices. Remember, you’re just one phone call away from starting on the road to success.

Importance of Digital Marketing During Lockdown

Importance of Digital Marketing During Lockdown Lockdown has had a negative impact on many businesses all over the world, and those that have survived are needing to look for ways of reinventing themselves and rebuilding for the future. This pandemic has hit many people hard, and has also caused a lot of companies to reassess how they function, as well as what is important to them. It’s clear that remote working has played a far greater role in this pandemic than many might have expected. Indeed, this move has also seen a huge surge in the amount of online spending that consumers are doing at the moment. Statistics suggest that two in five Brits made plans to shop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The pandemic has hit businesses and consumers hard in the wallet, but it has also seen a huge uptick in online business being conducted. So, as a business, it is time to take advantage of this, and look at some of the best ways of being able to run the business effectively online. Remote Working is Your Friend Remote working is your new best friend. Embrace it across the business and reap the benefits. One of the most positive things to have come out of this pandemic from a business perspective is the number of companies that have found they can survive, and even flourish, through remote working. When the pandemic hit, and the Prime Minister urged those who could to work from home, the number of Brits working exclusively from home rose to 24%. There is no doubt this is one of the best ways of being able to improve the business and the way it is able to function. Remote working allows companies to continue to run and thrive, whilst adhering to social distancing parameters as well. You Can Cut Costs A perk of running a business digitally over lockdown is that you can actually cut rather more costs than you might previously have thought. There are a lot of costs that business owners have to cover these days, and companies always seem to be looking for ways of reducing costs. Well, lockdown has provided a few opportunities in this regard, and this is something that you need to keep in mind as much as possible. One of the key costs you can reduce is business overheads. If the office isn’t being used then do you really need it? Get rid of the lease and run the business remotely and you could wind up saving a lot of cash as a result. Change Your Marketing Approach Being able to market and promote your business as effectively as possible is one of the key things that is required for any kind of success, and this is why you need to make sure you focus on the best ways of doing this. You still need to be marketing your business throughout the lockdown process, and this is why a focus on digital marketing is so important. The importance of digital marketing during this time should not be underestimated, and it’s the perfect opportunity for companies all over the world to be able to refocus their marketing strategy. This could mean looking at improving the company website and social media profiles, as well as kicking it old school with some email marketing as well! Value Matters Value is really important, and you are going to need to work on doing as much as you can to provide as much value as possible to consumers. Because money is tight for a lot of people right now, it is crucial that your business tries to offer as much value as possible. Running an online business is about driving traffic to the brand and trying to secure leads and conversions as much as possible. You have to make sure you are doing as much as possible to improve value, and think about what you are being able to provide to boost your success and business profile as much as possible. Consumers are Spending More Time Than Ever Online There is no question that lockdown has led to an uptick in the number of people spending time online. And the upshot of this is that there has been a spike in consumer online spending at this time, something businesses can take advantage of. Indeed, the UK has seen a 102% rise in online shopping since lockdown, and this is believed to be largely to do with the number of people increasing their online supermarket shops. The growth in online shopping provides a great opportunity for business owners to capitalise and Focus on Efficiency and Customer Service If you want to succeed in running your business as well as possible online during lockdown, you have to alter your approach slightly to be more customer-centric. That’s not to suggest this isn’t already an important part of the process of running a modern company, because invariably it is. The thing to consider here is that there is a lot more of a focus on this right now because of an increase in online activity, but also because of the changing values that people have now in the wake of coronavirus. Companies are expected to evolve and change with the times, and to update their values as much as possible to account for what consumers are now focused on. And the key focal points for this include a focus on efficiency and customer service. Your online focus needs to be on providing speedy and efficient transactions, and giving your customers better service as much as you can. You have to do as much as you can to come up with ideas that will let you make the most of this moving forward, and help your company to grow online more effectively. This has accelerated the need for most businesses to develop some sort of digital presence, and this is really important for the future right now. You need to take your business in a positive direction, and this is something you can achieve by developing a strong online presence as much as possible.

Importance of Digital Marketing During Lockdown. Lockdown has had a negative impact on many businesses all over the world, and those that have survived are needing to look for ways of reinventing themselves and rebuilding for the future. This pandemic has hit many people hard, and has also caused a lot of companies to reassess how they function, as well as what is important to them. It’s clear that remote working has played a far greater role in this pandemic than many might have expected. Indeed, this move has also seen a huge surge in the amount of online spending that consumers are doing at the moment. Statistics suggest that two in five Brits made plans to shop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The pandemic has hit businesses and consumers hard in the wallet, but it has also seen a huge uptick in online business being conducted. So, as a business, it is time to take advantage of this, and look at some of the best ways of being able to run the business effectively online. Remote Working is Your Friend Remote working is your new best friend. Embrace it across the business and reap the benefits. One of the most positive things to have come out of this pandemic from a business perspective is the number of companies that have found they can survive, and even flourish, through remote working. When the pandemic hit, and the Prime Minister urged those who could to work from home, the number of Brits working exclusively from home rose to 24%. There is no doubt this is one of the best ways of being able to improve the business and the way it is able to function. Remote working allows companies to continue to run and thrive, whilst adhering to social distancing parameters as well. You Can Cut Costs A perk of running a business digitally over lockdown is that you can actually cut rather more costs than you might previously have thought. There are a lot of costs that business owners have to cover these days, and companies always seem to be looking for ways of reducing costs. Well, the lockdown has provided a few opportunities in this regard, and this is something that you need to keep in mind as much as possible. One of the key costs you can reduce is business overheads. If the office isn’t being used then do you really need it? Get rid of the lease and run the business remotely and you could wind up saving a lot of cash as a result. Change Your Marketing Approach Being able to market and promote your business as effectively as possible is one of the key things that is required for any kind of success, and this is why you need to make sure you focus on the best ways of doing this. You still need to be marketing your business throughout the lockdown process, and this is why a focus on digital marketing is so important. The importance of digital marketing during this time should not be underestimated, and it’s the perfect opportunity for companies all over the world to be able to refocus their marketing strategy. This could mean looking at improving the company website and social media profiles, as well as kicking it old school with some email marketing as well! Value Matters Value is really important, and you are going to need to work on doing as much as you can to provide as much value as possible to consumers. Because money is tight for a lot of people right now, it is crucial that your business tries to offer as much value as possible. Running an online business is about driving traffic to the brand and trying to secure leads and conversions as much as possible. You have to make sure you are doing as much as possible to improve value, and think about what you are being able to provide to boost your success and business profile as much as possible. Consumers are Spending More Time Than Ever Online There is no question that lockdown has led to an uptick in the number of people spending time online. And the upshot of this is that there has been a spike in consumer online spending at this time, something businesses can take advantage of. Indeed, the UK has seen a 102% rise in online shopping since lockdown, and this is believed to be largely to do with the number of people increasing their online supermarket shops. The growth in online shopping provides a great opportunity for business owners to capitalise and Focus on Efficiency and Customer Service If you want to succeed in running your business as well as possible online during lockdown, you have to alter your approach slightly to be more customer-centric. That’s not to suggest this isn’t already an important part of the process of running a modern company because invariably it is. The thing to consider here is that there is a lot more of a focus on this right now because of an increase in online activity, but also because of the changing values that people have now in the wake of coronavirus. Companies are expected to evolve and change with the times, and to update their values as much as possible to account for what consumers are now focused on. And the key focal points for this include a focus on efficiency and customer service. Your online focus needs to be on providing speedy and efficient transactions, and giving your customers better service as much as you can. You have to do as much as you can to come up with ideas that will let you make the most of this moving forward, and help your company to grow online more effectively. This has accelerated the need for most businesses to develop some sort of digital presence, and this is really important for the future right now. You need to take your business in

Your Full-Service SEO Agency

Your Full-Service SEO Agency

Your Full-Service SEO Agency. At Direct Submit, we use tried and tested white-hat SEO strategies that are approved by every single search engine. This ensures that whether it’s Google or Bing, our work will show appreciable results regardless. This also means that there’s no chance that your website will be penalised for bad SEO practices; the ranking we help you achieve is long-lasting, paying dividends for the months and years to come. Google is known to use more than 200 factors to determine your ranking. These include factors like page load speed, content comprehensiveness, keywords, HTML optimization, mobile-friendly web design, site security, backlinking, etc. These factors are updated regularly and can have a significant impact on the results pages. As a full-service SEO agency, we help you tackle all of these fronts. After conducting a thorough analysis, we identify where your business’s website is lacking and get to work immediately. Our SEO strategies are tailored to the specificities of your business and its industry. After all, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO. Direct Submit can help improve your website performance with our trusted digital marketing services. The goal of our SEO strategy is to establish a strong foundation for a website that delivers effective user experience and is easily discoverable in search results. Positioning a brand as an authority in the industry takes effort, commitment, patience, and technical knowledge, and our SEO consultants have it down to a science! As a leading SEO & Digital Marketing Agency who have a reputation for delivering tangible results and excellent customer service. We help our clients get more customers from search. With offices in both Durham and Newcastle, we are your full-service SEO agency and we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality results that are based on proven techniques and an intimate, dynamic knowledge of ethical search marketing practices. Remember, you’re just one phone call away from starting on the road to success.