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How Long Does SEO Take?

You’ve most likely spent a lot of money on getting a website that ‘sells’ your products/services, but what good is it going to do your business if people don’t see it? But how long does a project take? While there are no definitive answers as each project is different, as a guide, there are a few factors to consider when trying to gauge how long an SEO campaign will take, such as: How new your site is Sites that are brand new often have a “sandbox” period where they will not see good rankings for months. For the sake of SEO, it is best to launch your site as quickly as possible with some content, even if you are still adding pages and filling out the site. How competitive your niche is The more competitive your niche and the more competitive your keywords are, the longer it usually takes to rank for terms. Why you don’t have rankings now If your site is poorly optimised or has technical issues, fixing those things could result in huge improvements within a few weeks or less. Likewise, if your site is lacking content, adding more keyword-rich content could also boost ranking significantly or at least put you into the search results if you weren’t there before. Website authority and relevance However, if your site isn’t ranking due to lack of authority or lack of relevance, it can take much longer to rank your site, since building authority and relevance can take quite a while. Generally speaking, we recommend sticking with an SEO campaign for at least 6 months, which should be enough time to see significant improvement for most niches. However, usually, it is possible to see at least some results within 2-3 months, especially if you are not ranking due to technical issues and/or poor optimization – both of which can usually be fixed within the first month or two, depending on the size of the site and the depth of the issues. Whether you are a small local business or a large company, being seen online can now be crucial to ensuring business success. But as more businesses move online, your website can easily get lost in the thousands of millions of results – but only if you don’t have the right help. At Direct Submit, we believe every company is unique and we deliver a specific range of SEO services designed to help ensure the optimum performance of your website. With over 15 years of experience our goal is to increase the visibility & exposure of your business simply by generating more organic traffic to your Website.